Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs mostly inhabit rooms where people sleep. With a flat brownish-red oval body, these pests can easily hide in mattresses, couches, and bed frames. They make their way into homes through moving boxes or previously used furniture, or they could already inhabit a living area before a new person moves in. Another hot spot for bed bugs is in mattresses in hotel rooms. Since there are many familiar types of insects that can be mistaken for bed bugs, it is recommended to get a consultation from a pest control service to adequately identify and exterminate them.
At 1/5″ long, bed bugs feed at night on the blood of warm blooded animals, which includes humans and pets. Since their feeding sessions are brief, a b ed bug will commonly go unnoticed by the host. Bed bug bites itch severely and will swell at the site. Many people do not realize they have a bed bug problem since they hide during the day. Typically, the bed bug leaves its fecal matter behind, which is a reddish brown color, and a good indicator for the presence of an infestation.