American Cockroaches

American Cockroaches

Adults are about 1 3/8-2 1/8 inches long. Their color variation is usually reddish-brown except for a submarginal pale brown to yellowish band around the edge of the prenatal shield. Last segment of cercus at least 2 times longer than wide. Both sexes are fully winged with wings of the male extending beyond the tip of the abdomen whereas, female’s do not. These cockroaches are poor to moderately good fliers. The egg capsule dark reddish to blackish brown. It is about 3/8 inches long.

American cockroaches are found in residences but are commonly found in large commercial buildings such as restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, etc. There they infest food-storage and food-preparation areas, basements, etc. During summer months, they can be found outdoors in yards and alleys. It is the most common species found in the city sewer systems. They can enter structures by being brought in, coming up from the sewer system via drains or occasional mass migration from other structures, dumps, etc., usually in the warmer weather. They show a likeness for fermenting foods.

American Cockroaches